Of the United Republic of Obscurium
Written by Zar Antonov and Clostridium Botulinum
General Guidelines:
a) Any person accused of having committed a crime has to be presumed to be innocent until proven to be guilty.
b) If the person is determined to lack malicious intent, the punishment may be lessened.
c) If any person expresses their serious intent to commit a crime, steps must be taken to prevent them from committing this crime.
d) There is no appeals process, though individuals determined to be guilty may appeal for a pardon from the Executive, who may allow a resumption on a case-by-case basis.
Chapter I Crimes of Conduct Unbecoming of a Citizen
Punishments: Crimes of Conduct Unbecoming of a Citizen shall be punishable by
(1) Warnings and temporary banishment for 24 hours for the first two instances.
(2) Banishment from Obscurium and revocation of Citizenship in the third instance.
1. Persecution
a) Insults, as determined to be malicious by a Supreme Judge, repeated at least two times directed against a person. Malicious insults include, but are not exclusive or comprehensive to, attacks upon, race, ethnicity, gender, income, social status, religious or non-religious beliefs and personal interests. Facts and data determined to be accurate does not constitute an insult, but interpolation from data can be.
b) Harassment, as determined to be malicious by a Supreme Judge, repeated at least two times directed against a person in any other way. Malicious harassment include, but are not exclusive or comprehensive to, doxxing, repeated redundant questioning, pursuit of offended individuals across media outside of Obscurium, and encouraging other citizens of Obscurium or outside Obscurium to repeat questioning of offending individuals.
c) It is essential that the accusation of insult being directed against a person be perceived as an insult by the supposedly offended individual and not by a third party observer.
2. Disruption of official proceedings
a) Repeated willful and intentional disruption of official proceedings, as determined to be by a Supreme Judge. Repeated willful and intentional disruption include, but are not exclusive or comprehensive to, anything that purposefully interrupts parliamentary proceedings, goes more than 5 minutes over allotted time, and prevents individuals of the government from performing their legally obligated tasks.
Chapter II High Crimes
(1) A warning at the first instance if the crime was not committed intentionally, as evaluated by a court.
(2) Immediate banishment from Obscurian space and revocation of Citizenship.
1. Espionage
a) Knowingly and willfully passing on sensitive and restricted information within Obscurium without proper authorization by the Executive or the Government. A Supreme Judge may arbitrate on what is determined to be sensitive and restricted information in the case of conflict.
2. Treason
a) Knowingly and willfully passing on sensitive and restricted information to persons outside Obscurium. Executive reserves executive action in the case of emergency, though post-hoc authorization is needed by a Supreme Judge. A Supreme Judge may arbitrate on what is determined to be sensitive and restricted information in the case of conflict.
3. High Treason
a) Knowingly and willfully passing on sensitive and restricted information to foreign governments. Executive reserves executive action in the case of emergency, though post-hoc authorization is needed by a Supreme Judge.
4. Sabotage
a) Knowingly and willfully sabotaging or destroying Obscurian infrastructure and government property. Executive reserves executive action in the case of emergency, though post-hoc authorization is needed by a Supreme Judge.
5. Acting without permission
a) Knowingly and willfully acting on official government matters without proper authorization. A Supreme Judge may arbitrate on what is determined to be improper authorization in the case of conflict.
6. Acts of violence
a) Physical acts of violence against one or more other person without their consent. Executive reserves executive action in the case of emergency, though post-hoc authorization is needed by a Supreme Judge.
7. Forging and use of official documents and currency
a) The forging, unauthorized creation, duplication and use of official state and government documents, Obscurian postal stamps and the Obscurian Draco.