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Available Positions


Here you can find all currently available government positions and jobs for which you can apply. 

If you are interested in applying, please contact

Position: Minister of Network and Communication

Duties and Tasks: Administration of website and online presence 

Requirements: Knows how to work with WIX and social media sites

Citizenship Required: Yes

Position: Minister of Parades and Exploration
Duties and Tasks: Administration of the Non Armed Forces and coordination of official in-person events and parades 

Requirements: Good knowledge on military procedure and good organizing skills

Citizenship Required: Yes

Position: Minister of Information and News 

Duties and Tasks: Administrating Obscurium's YouTube presence 

Requirements: Good English language and video editing skills

Citizenship Required: Yes

Position: Minister of Customs and Immigration

Duties and Tasks: Processing new citizenship applications

Requirements: No special requirements

Citizenship Required: Yes

Position: Minister of Culture

Duties and Tasks: Administartion of Obscurian culture and overseeing of cultural activities

Requirements: Deep knowledge of Obscurian culture and has a lot of creativity

Citizenship Required: Yes

Position: Translator

Duties and Tasks: Translation of Obscurium's website and of official documents into German

Requirements: Good English and German language skills

Citizenship Required: No

Position: Editor and Writer for the Herald of Obscurity

Duties and Tasks: Writing and editing the Herald of Obscurity at the end of each month 

Requirements: Good English language and writing skills

Citizenship Required: No

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© 2018-2024 The Ministry of Network and Communication of the United Republic of Obscurium (last updated: 17.04.2024)

All images are property of the Government of the United Republic of Obcurium unless foreign state symbol or stated otherwise. Non commerical use is authorized with exception of Middle Coat of Arms and Presidential Standard.


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We are not responsible for the content of linked sites. 


Contact (Email):

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  • Official Government Twitter
  • Official Youtube
  • Redbubble Shop
  • Ministry of Dragons
  • The Flagman
  • Micro Euro Summit


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