Available Positions
Here you can find all currently available government positions and jobs for which you can apply.
If you are interested in applying, please contact
Position: Minister of Network and Communication
Duties and Tasks: Administration of website and online presence
Requirements: Knows how to work with WIX and social media sites
Citizenship Required: Yes
Position: Minister of Parades and Exploration
Duties and Tasks: Administration of the Non Armed Forces and coordination of official in-person events and parades
Requirements: Good knowledge on military procedure and good organizing skills
Citizenship Required: Yes
Position: Minister of Information and News
Duties and Tasks: Administrating Obscurium's YouTube presence
Requirements: Good English language and video editing skills
Citizenship Required: Yes
Position: Minister of Customs and Immigration
Duties and Tasks: Processing new citizenship applications
Requirements: No special requirements
Citizenship Required: Yes
Position: Minister of Culture
Duties and Tasks: Administartion of Obscurian culture and overseeing of cultural activities
Requirements: Deep knowledge of Obscurian culture and has a lot of creativity
Citizenship Required: Yes
Position: Translator
Duties and Tasks: Translation of Obscurium's website and of official documents into German
Requirements: Good English and German language skills
Citizenship Required: No
Position: Editor and Writer for the Herald of Obscurity
Duties and Tasks: Writing and editing the Herald of Obscurity at the end of each month
Requirements: Good English language and writing skills
Citizenship Required: No