On the 1st of February 2023 Obscurium officially introduced its national currency, the "Draco". Here you can find all essential information on this currency.
As of yet, the Draco (OBD) exists as a paper currency only. Each note measures 13x6,5cm. It is pegged to the Euro at a rate of 1 OBD=0,50 EUR.
It can only be used in cash transaction between two Obscurian citizens, a third party and an Obscurian citizen or an Obscurian citizen and a third party which accepts the Draco.
Currently there are no third parties which accept the Draco as legal tender!
Obscurian citizens are not obligated to accept the Draco as legal tender.
The Government of Obscurium will always exchange any Draco notes from Citizens or third parties for Euro.
Draco notes can be acquired by contacting the Ministry of Finance at and stating the ammount of Euros to be exchanged for Dracos. The exchanged Draco notes will be sent via mail. The exchanged Euros must be sent to the Obscurian Govenment via PayPal plus 1,10 Euros shipping costs per order.
Exchange Rates
The Obscurian Government exchanges the following currencies at the following rates:
Euro (EUR)
1 OBD=0,50 EUR
Duckonian Duckats (DUD)
1 EUR= 2 DUD
Edristani Rubel (EDR)
1 OBD=5,08 EDR
1 EDR=0,20 OBD
1 EUR=10,18 EDR
(exchange rates last updated: 12th of January 2025)
Draco Notes currently available:
1 Draco (0,50 Euro)
2 Draco (1 Euro)
5 Draco (2,5 Euro)
10 Draco (5 Euro)
20 Draco (10 Euro)
50 Draco (25 Euro)