Of the United Republic of Obscurium
Written and compiled by Zar Antonov with the help of Clostridium Botulinum, Stefan Dor, Kit Kahn, Alexander Rollevs and all Obscurian Citizens at that time.
Inspired by the Basic Law of Germany, the constitutions of Portugal and Japan and the Tenets of the Satanic Temple.
Written in Kiel, Germany on the 19th of February 2023
Compiled in Kiel, Germany, on the 19th of February 2023
Voted on by all Obscurian Citizens on the 5th of Ferbuary 2023
Signed into law on the 3rd of March 2023
Amended on the 6th of November 2023 and on the 12th of December 2024
Preamble 2
I Basic Rights 3
II Renunciation of War 5
III The State 5
IV The Executive 6
V The Legislature 8
VI The Judiciary 9
VII Legal Code 10
VIII Voting 10
IX The Non Armed Forces 10
X Official Documents 11
XI Citizenship 11
XII Territory 12
XIII Union with Other States 12
XIV National Symbols 13
XV National Holidays 14
XVI National Anthem 15
XVII National Currency 16
XVIII Finances 16
XIX Personal Symbols 16
XX National Stability 16
XXI Validity 17
We the people of Obscurium, in our unhappiness with the existing states, hereby resolve to create a better state.
The goal of this state shall be to bring people together to partake in the obscure wonders of this world and to establish the best state a people could possibly want. A state truly there for its people. This state shall cooperate with the people as much as possible while restricting their lives as little as possible. It shall be based on the dignity of the human person and the will of the people and committed to building a free, social, just and solidary society. Within this society, one should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
Hence, Obscurium shall be a social and democratic state based on the rule of law, the sovereignty of the people, plural democratic expression and organisation, respect for and the guarantee of the effective implementation of fundamental rights and freedoms, and the separation and interdependence of powers, all with a view to achieving economic, social, cultural and deepening participatory democracy.
I Basic Rights
Article 1 [Basic rights]
(1) All persons have the right to life, liberty, security of person and self determination of their own body.
(2) Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.
(3) The Obscurian people therefore acknowledge inviolable and inalienable human rights as the basis of every community, of peace and of justice in the world.
(4) The following basic rights shall bind the legislature, the executive and the judiciary as directly applicable law.
(5) The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To wilfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
Article 2 [Equality before the law]
(1) All persons shall be equal before the law.
(2) Men and women shall have equal rights. The state shall promote the actual implementation of equal rights for women and men and take steps to eliminate possible disadvantages that exist at the moment of this document’s ratification.
(3) No person shall be favoured or disfavoured because of sex, parentage, race, language, homeland and origin, faith or religious or political opinions. No person shall be disfavoured because of disability.
Article 3 [Abolition of slavery]
(1) No person shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
Article 4 [Freedom of religion]
(1) Freedom of faith and of conscience and freedom to profess a religious or philosophical creed shall be inviolable.
(2) The undisturbed practice of religion shall be guaranteed.
(3) No religion or faith shall be forced upon any person by anyone.
(4) All the rights mentioned in this article are protected and secured as long as they do not violate the rights of the others.
Article 5 [Freedom of speech]
(1) Every person shall have the right to freely express and disseminate their opinions in speech, writing and pictures, without infringing upon the rights of another person.
(2) Every person has the right to inform themselves without hindrance from generally accessible sources. Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting by means of broadcasts and films shall be guaranteed. There shall be no censorship.
(3) These rights shall find their limits in the provisions of general laws, in provisions for the protection of young persons, in the right to dignity and in accordance with reason.
(4) Arts and sciences, research and teaching shall be free. The freedom of teaching shall not release any person from allegiance to the constitution.
(5) Symbols, books and flags, films and music of associations specified in article 7 section (2) can be forbidden through the passing of an according law.
Article 6 [Freedom of assembly]
(1) All Obscurians shall have the right to assemble peacefully and unarmed without prior notification or permission.
Article 7 [Freedom of association]
(1) All Obscurians shall have the right to form societies and other associations.
(2) Associations whose aims or activities contravene the Constitution or legal code of the United Republic of Obscurium shall be prohibited.
(3) The right to form associations to safeguard and improve working and economic conditions shall be guaranteed to every individual and to every occupation or profession within Obscurium. Agreements that restrict or seek to impair this right shall be null and void; measures directed to this end shall be unlawful.
Article 8 [Privacy of correspondence, posts and telecommunications]
(1) The privacy of correspondence, posts and telecommunications is inviolable.
Article 9 [Occupational freedom]
(1) All Obscurians shall have the right freely to choose their occupation or profession, their place of work and their place of training within Obscurium. The practice of an occupation or profession may only be regulated by or pursuant to a law.
(2) No person may be required to perform work of a particular kind except within the framework of the duties of each Citizen as regulated by law.
(3) Forced labour may not be imposed upon anyone.
Article 10 [Inviolability of the home]
(1) The home is inviolable.
(2) As “home” is defined as any place built or generally constructed to serve as a place of residence and/or is used as such.
Article 11 [Property]
(1) Property and the right of inheritance shall be guaranteed.
(2) Property which as been willingly, wilfully and knowingly disposed of is no longer property of any person until once again claimed by a person.
(3) Property entails obligations. Its use shall also serve the public good.
(4) Expropriation of Obcurian civil assets and property shall only be permissible for the public good. It may only be ordered by or pursuant to a law that determines the nature and extent of expropriation.
(5) Any such laws must be voted on by a majority of Citizens which will be affected by that specific law.
Article 12 [Citizenship]
(1) Every Obscurian Citizen has a right to keep their citizenship.
(2) Loss of citizenship may occur only pursuant to the laws set forth within this constitution or the Obscurian Legal Code.
(3) Every Ctizen has the right to revoke their citizenship at any time.
(4) If a Citizen revokes or loses their citizenship they cannot re-acquire it again unless the loss of their citizenship was unlawful and this was found by a verdict of a court of law.
(5) Every citizen over the age of 15 is of voting age.
Article 13 [Right of petition]
(1) Every person shall have the right individually or jointly with others to address written requests or complaints to competent authorities and to the legislature, judiciary and executive.
Article 14 [Restrictions]
(1) Insofar as, under this Basic Law, a basic right may be restricted by or pursuant to a law, such law must apply generally and not merely to a single case. In addition, the law must specify the basic right affected and the Article in which it appears.
(2) In no case may the essence of a basic right be affected.
(4) Should any person’s rights be violated by public authority, he may have recourse to the courts. If no other jurisdiction has been established, recourse shall be to the Supreme Court of Obscurium.
II Renunciation of War
Article 15 [Renunciation of war]
(1) Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Obscurian people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.
(2) In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained.
(3) The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.
III The State
Article 16 [Form of state]
(1) The United Republic of Obscurium shall be a presidential republic with direct democracy.
(2) The United Republic of Obscurium shall be a unitary state.
Article 17 [Official languages]
(1) The official language of the United Republic of Obscurium and the Obscurian Government shall be the English language.
(2) The German and Greek languages shall be recognized and protected languages within the United Republic ofObscurium granting any and all Obscurian documents in those languages legal status within the United Republic of Obscurium and mandating that any government document be translated into those languages on special request, in writing from any Obscurian citizen.
Article 18 [State authority]
(1) All state authority is derived from the people. It shall be exercised by the people directly, through elections and other votes and through specific legislative, executive and judicial bodies.
Article 19 [Right of resistance]
(1) All Obscurians shall have the right to resist any person or group of persons within Obscurium seeking to abolish this constitutional order if no other remedy is available.
Article 20 [Ideology]
(1) The Obscurian state shall not follow any single state ideology.
Article 21 [Religion]
(1) Obscurium shall have no official state religion.
(2) State and religion shall forever be strictly separated from one another.
(3) No religion shall be favoured or endorsed by the state in any official way.
(4) Section (3) does not apply to religious cultural institutions and religious cultural or memorial events.
Article 22 [Constitutional principles]
(1) The legislature, executive and the judiciary shall be bound by the constitutional order, by law and by justice.
Article 23 [Political parties]
(1) Political parties may participate in the formation of the political will of the people. They may be freely established. They must publicly account for their assets and for the sources and use of their funds.
Article 24 [State transparency]
(1) All state run organisations as well as executive, legislature and judiciary must publicly account for their assets, for the sources and use of their funds and must make all records of all public proceedings publicly available.
IV The Executive
Article 25 [The President]
(1) The executive branch of the state (the Government) shall be headed by the President of the United Republic of Obscurium.
(2) The President of Obscurium shall be both the head of state and head of Government.
(3) The President of Obscurium shall be elected every four years by more than half of all Obscurian Citizens of voting age in accordance with article 36.
(4) A person can only be President for a total of two six year terms.
(5) Any decision made by the President can be overruled the Obscurian Parliament by a two third vote by all Members of Parliament in favour of such a motion.
(6) If the Supreme Court deems a Presidential decision to be unconstitutional, it can overrule such a decision.
(7) All appointments for official positions within the Supreme Court, Parliament and the Government must be approved by the President through a government decree. The President shall have to give his approval and shall be unable to refuse to do so.
(8) If the President is unable to perform their duties, the Vice President shall immediately take over as Acting President until a new President can be elected. If the Vice President is also unable to perform their duties, a minister shall take over in the order previously determined by the President.
(9) Any unscheduled Presidential election must take place within a month of the President’s incapacitation or resignation.
Article 26 [The Government]
(1) The Government shall be made up of the President of Obscurium, the Vice President of Obscurium, their Ministers and their Assistants.
(2) All Ministers shall be appointed by the President of Obscurium. All Ministerial Assistants shall be appointed by their respective Ministers.
(3) The Government of Obscurium shall be able to make legally binding decisions without consent from the Parliament, trough decrees, in matters concerning foreign affairs which do not affect the terms of this constitution and in matters regarding the responsibilities of Ministries and their creation and abolition.
(4) The President or the Government can be impeached and removed from power by Parliament at any given time. To do so, at least two thirds of parliament must vote in favour of such a motion.
(5) Once a President or a Member of the Government have been impeached, they cannot hold this position again.
(6) Any Member of the Government may step down from their position at any time.
(7) If Parliament is equally split on any decision, the Vice President must act as a tie breaker and decide whether to pass the motion or not.
(8) The President and Vice President shall be excluded from voting in Parliament with the exception of the Vice President as specified in article 26 section (7).
(9) Any decision made by a Member of the Government can be overruled the Obscurian Parliament by a two third vote by all Members of Parliament in favour of such a motion.
Article 27 [Finances]
(1) The responsible Government Ministry shall control the state finances of Obscurium and spend them as it sees fit.
(2) Any decision in this regard can be overruled by a majority of more than half of all members of Parliament.
Article 28 [Terms]
(1) A Presidential term begins on the day of their inauguration and ends on the same day, four years later.
(2) Should the President, Vice President, a Minister or a Supreme Judge refuse to voluntary step down after being voted out of office or after their second term has ended, he may be forcibly removed.
Article 29 [Oath of office]
(1) For the President and Vice President to be properly inaugurated, he must take the oath of office publicly and in the presence of at least one Supreme Judge.
(2) The oath of office is as follows:
“I swear on the flag and Basic Law of the United Republic of Obscurium to always protect, serve and uphold our Citizens, Country and Constitution according to Obscurian law and my best judgement. I swear that while doing this, I shall always put my personal interests second and never actively work to enrich myself. I swear that If I fail to do so I shall lay down my post in this government. This I swear in the Eye of Wisdom and our People until the universe burns our bones away. Glory to Obscurium and its people.”
(3) The oath of office must be read out aloud by a Supreme Judge and repeated by the President and Vice President while having their right hand placed on the Basic Law of Obscurium and the palm of their left hand raised up.
(4) The same rules of this article apply to the oath of office for Government Ministers with the President or Vice President taking the role of the Supreme Judge instead.
V The Legislature
Article 30 [The Speaker]
(1) Parliament shall be headed by the Speaker of Parliament.
(2) The Speaker and Deputy Speaker shall be the only persons who are allowed to open and close parliamentary sessions. They shall also lead all parliamentary sessions and be able to decide who speaks at any given time.
(3) The Speaker and Deputy Speaker shall be elected by a simple majority of all Members of Parliament at the first session of every year.
(4) The Speaker and Deputy Speaker must be a Member of Parliament.
Article 31 [Parliament]
(1) The Parliament of the United Republic of Obscurium shall be the chief legislative body of the United Republic Obscurium.
(2) Parliament shall be made up of any Citizen who wishes to be a part of it. All Citizens who participate in parliament, except for members of the executive and judiciary are Members of Parliament.
(3) To become a Member of Parliament a Citizen has to express this desire to the Speaker. Only then shall they officially be considered a Member of Parliament until they express their desire to withdraw from this position to the speaker.
(4) Any person, Obscurian or foreign, shall be able to observe, speak at and attend a parliamentary session.
(5) Voting in Parliament shall be free and open.
(6) Parliament must convene at least once every half year.
(7) If a Member of Parliament fails to attend two consecutive parliamentary sessions, they shall automatically lose their position.
Article 32 [Passing of laws]
(1) Both Parliament and the Government shall have the capacity to draw up and propose laws
(2) To make a legally binding decision or pass a law, over half of all members of Parliament must vote in favour of the motion, after giving all Members of Parliament a chance to discuss the motion during a parliamentary session.
(3) After the motion has been passed by Parliament, it must be voted on by all Obscurian Citizens of voting age and approved by at over half of the electorate with a participation quote of at least sixty percent.
(4) Finally, the law must be signed into existence by the President of Obscurium.
(5) The President can refuse to sign a proposed law if they believe the law to be unconstitutional. If they do so, the law is brought before the Supreme Court of Obscurium for evaluation.
(6) If the Supreme Court decides that the law is constitutional, the President must sign the law.
(7) If the Supreme Court finds the law to be unconstitutional, the law is sent back to Parliament and must be amended.
(8) If over half of the electorate vote against a proposed law the proposed law must be amended by Parliament.
(9) If over half of the electorate or Parliament reject a proposed law after being amended, the same law cannot be voted on again for half a year.
(10) If the electorate is split equally, the vote shall be repeated after one month. If the electorate is still equally split after the second vote, the motion shall go back to Parliament to be amended or dropped.
(11) If Parliament votes on a motion with more than two options, only the two options with the most votes in favour shall be voted on by the electorate.
VI The Judiciary
Article 33 [The Supreme Court]
(1) The chief judiciary body of the United Republic of Obscurium shall be the Supreme Court of the United Republic of Obscurium.
(2) The Supreme Court shall be made up of two Supreme Judges.
(3) The Supreme Court shall make decisions on constitutional questions and serve as a mediatory body if conflict arises between the legislature and executive branches of the state.
(4) Each Supreme Judge shall be nominated by the President of Obscurium. Parliament must then confirm the nominee through a two thirds majority vote in favour of the motion.
(5) Each Supreme Judge shall serve for a term of ten years.
(6) Supreme Judges cannot serve for more than one term.
(7) Parliament can vote any Supreme Judge out of office through a two thirds majority in favour of the motion and the approval of the President and Vice President.
(8) A Supreme Judge may step down from their position at any time.
Article 34 [Inauguration of Supreme Judge]
(1) For a Supreme Judge to be properly inaugurated, they must take the oath of office publicly and in the presence of the President or Vice President of Obscurium.
(2) The oath of office is as follows:
“I swear on the flag and Basic Law of the United Republic of Obscurium to always protect, serve and uphold our Citizens, Country and Constitution according to Obscurian law and my best judgement. I swear that while doing this, I shall always put my personal interests second and never actively work to enrich myself. I swear that If I fail to do so I shall lay down my post in this government. This I swear in the Eye of Wisdom and our People until the universe burns our bones away. Glory to Obscurium and its people.”
(3) The oath of office must be read out aloud by the President or Vice President and repeated by the Supreme Judge while having their right hand placed on the Basic Law of Obscurium and the palm of their left hand raised up.
VII Legal Code
Article 35 [Legal Code]
(1) The Obscurian Legal Code shall be compiled and managed by the Government.
(2) For validation of its laws and regulations, the same procedure specified in article 32 must be followed.
VIII Voting
Article 36 [Voting]
(1) Any elections and votes undertaken by all Citizens of Osbcurium who are of voting age shall be free, fair, equal and secret.
(2) Any such votes shall be organized by the responsible ministry with every step being observed by the Supreme Court.
(3) For each vote, all Citizens shall have equal access to the means of voting and a period of four days to cast their vote.
(4) After the four day period is over, all votes shall be counted and the winning motion announced as soon as all votes have been counted.
(5) There shall be no polling or campaigning by any person or organisation starting four days before any vote or election until the final results of the vote or election have been made public.
IX The Non Armed Forces
Article 37 [Purpose of the Non Armed Forces]
(1) The Obscurian Non Armed Forces shall consist of a parade force on land and a naval force on sea.
(2) The land force shall be the Obscure Mobile Ground Force and serve as Obscurium’s ceremonial and parade force.
(3) The naval force shall be the Red Trident of Obscurity and serve as an expeditionary force for the purposes of peaceful exploration.
(4) The air force shall be the Obscure Space and Air Force and serve as a force with which to conduct peaceful, scientific and observational rocket and other aerial tests.
Article 38 [Command]
(1) Supreme Command of the Non Armed Forces shall fall to the President of Obscurium at all times. The President may however in turn choose to temporarily hand over command to any other Member of the Non Armed Forces.
(2) Command of the Obscure Mobile Ground Force shall fall to a General of the OMGF, selected by the President. They shall serve in this position until the President appoints someone else.
(3) Command of the Red Trident of Obscurity shall fall to an Admiral of the RTO, selected by the President. They shall serve in this position until the President appoints someone else.
Article 39 [Membership]
(1) Only Obscurian Citizens are allowed to hold a rank within the Non Armed Forces of Obscurium.
(2) Members shall be chosen and appointed by the respective branch commander.
X Official Documents
Article 40 [Right to official documents]
(1) Every Obscurian Citizen has the right to receive an official document confirming their status and identity.
(2) These documents shall be an Obscurian citizenship certificate and an Obscurian identity card.
Article 41 [Issuing of official documents]
(1) Only the Government of Obscurium shall have the right to issue official Obscurian documents.
Article 42 [Validity]
(1) Any and all Obscurian documents are only valid as proof of Obscurian citizenship and do not give the bearer any guaranteed rights that can be enforced under the law of any other state.
Obscurian documents are therefore not a replacement for another citizenship.
(2) Article 43 section (1) does not apply to states which recognize Obscurian citizenship.
XI Citizenship
Article 43 [Acquirement of citizenship)
(1) Citizenship can be acquired by any person over the age of 15 without consent from their legal guardians, if they do not hold more than two other citizenships and are approved by the responsible Government Ministry.
(2) Citizenship can be acquired by any person below the age of 16 through their legal guardians.
(3) Any child born to an Obscurian Citizen automatically becomes a Citizen as well.
(4) The responsible Government Ministry can deny any applicant citizenship if the applicant shows a lack of understanding and enthusiasm for Obscurium. To determine this, the responsible Government Ministry is allowed to subject any applicants to a citizenship test, containing basic questions on the nature of Obscurium, Obscurian politics and Obscurian culture.
(5) An Obscurian Citizen may hold no more than 3 total citizenships, including Obscurian Citizenship.
(6) Article 43 section (5) may be overruled by the President in cases of individuals being awarded citizenship for extraordinary services to Obscurium.
Article 44 [Duties of citizens]
(1) Every Citizen should attend at least half of all parliamentary sessions each year.
(2) Every Citizen should celebrate at least two national holidays in some capacity.
(3) Every Citizen should contribute to the topic of Dracology in some form at least once every year.
(4) Citizens may be excused from their duties by the President of Obscurium for a set period of time.
(5) A Citizen who has neglected to fulfil their duties for one year will be informed of this in writing by the responsible Ministry. If they fail to reply to this message within two weeks, their status will be reduced to that of an inactive Citizen, who is no longer eligible for voting.
(6) If an inactive Citizen notifies the responsible Ministry of their willingness to perform their duties again or presents the Ministry with a valid excuse, at any point within the next year, the Citizen will automatically regain their eligibility to vote.
Article 45 [Loss of citizenship]
(1) A Citizen of Obscurium can lose their citizenship if they
a) fail to adequately perform their duties for two consecutive years
b) if it is found out that they lied in their citizenship application
c) if they acquire an additional citizenship without informing the responsible Government Ministry of this development
d) if they acquire an additional fourth citizenship
e) if they voluntarily renounce their Citizenship, which can be done at any time and for any reason. or for other reasons specified in the Obscurian Legal Code.
(2) The loss of citizenship is determined by the responsible ministry.
(3) If a person feels that their loss of citizenship was unjustified, they can seek legal recourse through the Supreme Court of Obscurium.
XII Territory
Article 46 [Territorial Claims]
(1) The United Republic of Obscurium shall not hold any territorial claims with the exception of ceremonial claims.
Article 47 [Territorial Administration]
(1) Obscurian territories shall be administered by a Governor bearing the title of Lord Protector.
(2) The ability to appoint and dismiss Territorial Governors shall fall to the President of Obscurium.
XIII Union with Other States
Article 48 [Union]
(1) A union with another state in which the United Republic of Obscurium and a second state merge together into a single state is possible if the new constitution of the union has been voted on and approved by a two third majority of all Citizens of both states.
Article 49 [Absorption]
(1) The United Republic of Obscurium may absorb other states if the issue has been voted on and approved by a two third majority of all Citizens of both states.
XIV National Symbols
Article 50 [National Flag]
(1) The National Flag of Obscurium shall consist of a black field with one blue stripe at the top and the bottom, a green stripe running through the middle, a white All Seeing Eye located over the green stripe in the left half of the flag and the big dipper located next to it. On ships of the Red Trident this flag shall be used as the naval jack and on civilian ships as the civil ensign.
This flag shall be free to use for any person for any purpose.
Article 51 [National Coat of Arms]
(1) The National Coat of Arms of the United Republic of Obscurium shall consist of a coffin shield, containing a white All Seeing Eye and the Big Dipper, above a Red Dragon standing on a field of grass. Furthermore there shall be a white scroll containing Obscurium’s national motto “Liberty, Unity, Obscurity” in front of the green grass field at the bottom of the shield.
Its use shall be limited to the Government, Obscurian State Organisations, organisations associated with the Obscurian State and organisations and individuals with official permission to use this symbol. An exception to this is the National Coats of Arms use in art and for decorative and educational purposes which do not imply and cannot be mistaken for any official usage in that instance.
(2) The Middle Coat of Arms of Obscurium shall serve as the Government Emblem. Only the Government of the United Republic of Obscurium shall be permitted to use it. It shall consist of an All seeing eye, held by a red dragon and a scroll underneath with Obscurium's motto displayed on it.
(3) The Lesser Coat of Arms or Emblem of Obscurium is a the All Seeing Eye, inside a Triangle with 3 sides of equal length.
Its use shall be limited to the Government, Obscurian State Organisations, organisations associated with the Obscurian State and organisations and individuals with official permission to use this symbol. An exception to this is the National Coats of Arms use in art and for decorative and educational purposes which do not imply and cannot be mistaken for any official usage in that instance.
(4) The Public Coat of Arms of the United Republic of Obscurium shall consist of an Iberian shield, containing a white All Seeing Eye and the Big Dipper, above a Red Dragon standing on a field of grass. Furthermore there shall be a white scroll containing Obscurium’s national motto “Liberty, Unity, Obscurity” in front of the green grass field at the bottom of a shield.
It shall be free to use for any person for any purpose.
Article 52 [Presidential Standard]
(1) The Presidential Standard shall be a square flag. It shall depict the government emblem of the United Republic of Obscurium in a yellow circle, inside a blue lozenge with a white border. The four corners, left outside of the lozenge, are divided into two black and two green corners, with one of each at the top and bottom of the standard. Each corner also includes a white, four pointed, star. This standard shall only be used by the current President of the United Republic of Obscurium.
Article 53 [Red Trident]
(1) The Naval Ensign of Obscurium shall also be the flag of the Red Trident. It shall consist of a blue Stripe at the top, a white stripe below it and a black stripe making up a little over half of the flag underneath the two other stripes. In the fly of the flag, on the black stripe there shall be white big dipper. In the canton of the flag, on the white and blue stripes the lesser emblem of the Red Trident shall be displayed.
(2) The Red Trident's lesser emblem shall consist of a blue kraken holding the All Seeing Eye with two crossed Red Tridents behind it.
(3) The Red Trident’s greater emblem shall be a white shield containing the lesser emblem of the Red Trident and the Red Trident's Motto "Per Aspera, Ad Victoriam" and foundation date.
Article 54 [Obscure Mobile Ground Force]
(1) The flag of the Obscure Mobile Ground Force shall depict the lesser emblem of the OMGF, in a yellow lozenge surrounded by two fields of blue and green and a big dipper in the canton.
(2)The lesser emblem of the OMGF shall depict a green dragon, holding a blue flag with Obscurium's lesser emblem depicted on it.
(3) The Obscure Mobile Ground Force’s greater emblem shall be a yellow shield containing the lesser emblem of the OMGF and the motto of the OMGF "Numquam Neglegite Nos".
Article 55 [Obscure Space and Air Force]
(1) The flag of the Obscure Mobile Ground Force shall depict the lesser emblem of the OSAF in the canton of a black field. Below the emblem, there shall be a white horizontal line, running horizontally through the flag, with a white big dipper in the lower corner of the fly.
(2) The lesser emblem of the OSAF shall depict a white laurel wreath, with a golden rocket in its lower, left, section and a golden dragon in its upper, right, section.
(3) The Obscure Space and Air Force’s greater emblem shall be a black shield containing the lesser emblem of the OSAF and the motto of the OSAF “Ut Draco Versus Coelum".
Article 56 [Other National Symbols]
(1) The National Animals of Obscurium shall be a Red Fire Dragon and a Green Forest Dragon.
(2) The National Flower of Obscurium shall be the Dandelion.
Article 57 [Use]
(1) The use of national symbols shall be regulated by the Government unless otherwise specified within this constitution.
XV Holidays
Article 58 [National holidays]
(1) There shall be two types of holidays: National holidays of great importance and regular national holidays.
(2) For national holidays of great importance there shall be recommendations on how to celebrate them.
(3) No Obscurian Citizen shall have to work on Obscurian matters on any national holiday.
(4) Regular national holidays shall be created through simple laws, while national holidays of great importance shall only be created by amending Article 59 of this constitution.
Article 59 [National holidays of great importance]
(1) Third of March (Declaration Day). This day may be celebrated with a group call and a parade.
(2) Eleventh of March (Obelisk Day). This day may be celebrated by performing the Obelisk Ritual and writing a short text about an obscure historical event.
(3) Seventh of July (Dragon Day). This day may be celebrated by baking dragon cookies, watching a dragon movie or drawing a dragon and sharing the results with other Obscurian Citizens.
XVI National Anthem
Article 60 [Types of holidays]
(1) The National Anthem of Obscurium shall be the song “The Thoughts are Free” with the following lyrics:
The thoughts they are free,
I proudly profess them.
As hard as you try,
you cannot suppress them.
No person can know them,
no hunter can shoot them.
It always shall be,
my thoughts, they are free!
I think just what I want,
And what makes me happy.
But always quietly,
and when it is fitting.
My wishes and yearning,
are no man's condemning.
It always Shall be,
my thoughts they are free!
And if they lock me up,
and bind me in Prison.
It shall be in Vain,
my thoughts will defeat them.
With might they will thunder,
and Burst chains asunder.
And still it shall be,
My thoughts they are free!
And I shall renounce,
both sorrows and sadness.
And silly ideas,
away I will cast them.
For I can be laughing,
yes, I can be joking.
And deep inside me:
My thoughts, they are free!
XVII National Currency
Article 61 [National Currency]
(1) The National Currency of Obscurium shall be the Obscurian Draco.
(2) One Draco shall be subdivided into 100 Leo.
(3) The printing and minting of the Draco notes and coins shall be under the control of the Obscurian Government.
(4) The Draco shall be pegged to the Euro at a rate of One Draco to 0,50 Euro.
(5) The Obscurian Government must always exchange Draco notes for Euro notes if requested.
XVIII Finances
Article 62 [Taxation policy]
(1) There shall be no forced taxation in Obscurium.
XIX Personal Symbols
Article 63 [Personal Symbols]
(1) Every Obscurian Citizen has the right to bear a personal arms and a personal flag or standard.
(2) These personal symbols can either be created by the Citizen themselves or their creation can be requested from the responsible Ministry.
(3) The personal coat of arms must contain at least one shield of any form and can also contain a motto, shield holders, a compartment, mantling, crest, and helm.
(4) The personal flag or standard must contain all symbols and elements used in the shield. It may also contain other symbols found in the coat of arms, although it must not contain any symbols which cannot be found within the coat of arms.
(5) Both the personal coat of arms and flag are limited to personal, private and commercial use but must not be used in any official government capacity.
XX National Stability
Article 64 [National stability]
(1) To guarantee the state stability of Obscurium, until the method for transferring power has been proven to be secure, the first president of Obscurium, Zar Antonov, is to serve as president until his death, until he wishes to step down from his post or until at least 75 percent of all Obscurian Citizens of voting age vote in favour of his removal from power, in accordance with article 32.
(2) The President may give control over more than one Ministry to a single Minister if there are no other persons available to fill the post.
(3) The position of Speaker of Parliament may be occupied by any person outside the Members of parliament.
(4) The Presidenten may fill any vacant position within the state at any time or appoint any other Citizen to this post, if no one else can be found to occupy it.
(5) President Zar Antonov has the right to change this constitution at any time without the consent of Parliament or the citizens of Obscurium.
XXI Validity
Article 65 [Validity]
(1) The Basic Laws, Rights and provisions set out within this constitution shall be valid from the 3rd of March 2023 to whenever they are replaced by new one’s, directly voted for by at least 75 percent of all Citizens of voting age of the United Republic of Obscurium, in accordance with article 32 and article 36
(2) This constitution shall only be valid for interactions between Obscurian Citizens and between the Obscurian Government and Obscurian Citizens.
(3) The regulations outlined in this Constitution interfering with macronational laws shall not be enforced if there is a danger of involvement by a macronational state.
Article 66 [Constitutional amendments]
(1) This constitution can be amended at any time through a vote by at least two thirds of all Obscurian citizens.
(2) The articles within Part I of this constitution cannot be changed under any circumstances.