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Here you will find a map of our territorial claims. 

Obcurium Location Map.jpg

The non triangular place where things disappear
The non triangular place where things disappear also known as the President's Office is our only permanently inhabited territory and located only a few kilometers away from the Protectorate.













Our main territorial claim, also known as "The Green Garden", is located in Kiel/ Northern Germany and is a wild overgrown 450 m2 large Area. It is currently being developed to make it more accessable.

Obscurium Green Garden Map.png
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Chernobyl square with the Greenhouse in the Background (Spring)


The Gatehouse with Roses (Summer)

Aerial Photographs

On these Aerial Photpgraphs (Taken from Google Earth) you can see all of the Green Garden. Cleary visible are main features such as the Greenhouse, Chernobyl Square and Boullevard Napoleon.

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